E-Print Archives
- arXiv.org e-Print archive (de mirror) with the subjects:
Some Journals
- Journal of High Energy Physics JHEP
- The European Physical Journal C (Zeitschrift für Physik C)
- Physical Review Letters
- Editions de Physique with European Physical Journal A–D, Europhysics Letters, Annales de Physique, …
- Nuclear Physics B
- Physical Review D
- Physics Today
- Spektrum der Wissenschaft
- Nature
- The Scientist
- Particle Data Group
- CERN with their document server (CDS) and HEPDOC search form
- America Physical Society (APS)
- European Physical Society (EPS)
- European Science Foundation (ESF)
- Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
- Weizman Institute of Science
- European Research Council
Physics Software
- NIST Guide to available Mathematical Software
- Linux resources for High Energy Physics (Univ. of Cambridge)
- Consortium of Upper-Level Physics Software (CUPS)
- Netlib.org – A site mainly dedicated to supercomputing applications
- SymbolicNET– Symbolic mathematical computation information center
- Using REDUCE in high energy physics – This is the location for all the example programs of A. G. Grozin’s book
- Computers in Physics magazine
- GiNAC is Not a CAS
- Numerical Recipes Home Page
- Physics Academic Software (ceased)