Master Lectures about Theoretical Particle Physics


The basic lecture in the Master Program (Theoretical Physics 1a) is offered every term.


Winter term Summer term
Theoretical Physics 1a:
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (QFT)
(4 hours lectures + 2 hours exercises per week)
x x

All additional lectures can be chosen as Topical or as Advanced Lecture in the Master Program.

Winter term Summer term
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics (QFT II) (3+1) x x
Symmetries in Physics (3+1) x
Cosmology and General Relativity (3+1) x

In addition there is at least one lecture in each term about Modern Methods in Particle Physics (3+1) typically from following list of topics:

  • The Standard Model and Electroweak Theory
  • Effective Field Theories and Flavour Physics
  • Introduction to String Theory
  • Theoretical Astroparticle Physics
  • Functional Methods and Exact Renormalization Group

There are also regular offerings in special topics in particle physics (2V). These include the following topics:

  • Finite Temperature QFT and Phase Transitions
  • Chirality and Gauge Theories
  • Supersymmetry