Professors, Lecturers and Permanent Staff

Bogner, PD Dr. Christian

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudingerweg 7, 01-428
55128 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-28673
Fax: +49 6131 39-22884
userid: cbogner

Research interests
Computational methods in perturbative quantum field theory, Mathematics of Feynman integrals

Personal homepage

Harz, Prof. Dr. Julia

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudinger Weg 9, 02-125
55128 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-28847
userid: julia.harz

Research interests
Physics beyond the Standard Model, astroparticle physics / particle cosmology, baryogenesis, neutrinos, dark matter, lepton and baryon number violating interactions, novel probes of new physics, phenomenology and advancement of methods for early universe physics.

Hurth, apl. Prof. Dr. Tobias

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudingerweg 7, 04-424
55128 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-22730
Fax: +49 6131 39-24611
userid: hurth

Research interests
Particle Physics Phenomenology within and beyond the SM, Interplay of Collider and Flavour Physics in the New Physics Search, Low-Energy-Supersymmetry, SCET and other Field Theoretical Methods, QCD Corrections, CP Violation

Personal homepage

Jockers, Prof. Dr. Hans

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudinger Weg 9, 02-420
55128 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-25776
userid: hjockers

Research interests
String Theory, Supergravity and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Conformal Field Theories, Mathematical Physics, Algebraic Geometry

Kopp, Prof. Dr. Joachim

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
(on leave at CERN)
Staudingerweg 9,
55128 Mainz
userid: jkopp

Research interests
Astroparticle Physics, Collider Phenomenology

Personal homepage

Neubert, Prof. Dr. Matthias

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudingerweg 7, 04-127
Tel.: +49 6131 39-23681
userid: matthias.neubert

Research interests
Quantum-field theories of strong and electroweak interactions, flavor physics, effective field theories, heavy-quark expansions, renormalization-group techniques and resummation, CP violation, physics beyond the Standard Model

Schwaller, Prof. Dr. Pedro

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudingerweg 9, 02-131
55128 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-20507
userid: pedro.schwaller

Research Interests
Beyond the Standard Model physics, Collider Phenomenology, Particle Cosmology, Baryogenesis, Dark Matter, Physics at Future Colliders, Gravitational Waves

Personal homepage

Spiesberger, apl. Prof. Dr. Hubert

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudingerweg 7, 04-124
55128 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-23682
userid: spiesber

Research interests
Phenomenology of the Electroweak and Strong Interactions, Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Electrical Impedance Tomography

Tamarit, Dr. Carlos

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudinger Weg 7, 04-134
55128 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-30229
userid: ctamarit

Research interests
Particle physics in the early Universe: finite temperature and phase transitions, baryogenesis, gravitational waves. Non-equilibrium and nonperturbative methods in quantum field theory

Weinzierl, Prof. Dr. Stefan

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudingerweg 7, 03-126
Tel.: +49 6131 39-25579
userid: weinzierl

Research interests
Precision calculations in particle physics, Mathematical physics, Computer algebra

Personal homepage

Yu, Dr. Felix

Institute of Physics (WA THEP)
Staudingerweg 7, 04-132
Tel.: +49 6131 39-25796
userid: yu001

Research interests
Collider physics, beyond the Standard Model phenomenology, Higgs physics, dark matter, axions and ALPs

Personal homepage