The RHIND-Seminar (Rhein-Isar-Neckar-Donau) is a joint online video seminar series on theoretical and mathematical physics organized together by the JGU Mainz, the LMU Munich, the University of Heidelberg, and the University of Vienna via Zoom or BigBlueButton.
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Summer Semester 2024
Mondays at 4:15 pm (UTC + 1)
JGU Mainz, LMU Munich, University of Heidelberg, University of Vienna
Joint seminar series on Mathematical Physics and String Theory |
Coordination: | Contact: |
Ilka Brunner (LMU München) Nils Carqueville (Universität Wien) Hans Jockers (JGU Mainz) Peter Mayr (LMU München) Simone Noja (Universität Heidelberg) Ivo Sachs (LMU München) Johannes Walcher (Universität Heidelberg) |
Caroline Hoffmann userID: choffman |
Seminars Summer Term 2024
15.07. Emanuel Scheidegger (Peking University) TBA
08.07. Catherine Meusburger (University of Erlangen) "Dijkgraaf-Witten TQFT with defects"
17.06. John Baez (UC Riverside) "The Tenfold Way"
26.06. Yizhen Zhao (Weizmann) "Open 𝑟-spin and FJRW theory via the point insertion technique"
24.06. Matthew Young (Utah State University) "Abelian gauged Rozansky-Witten theory via quantum Lie superalgebras"
13.05. Alessandro Tanzini (SISSA Triest) "Painlevé/gauge theory correspondence and topological strings"
22.04. Giovanni Felder (ETH-Zürich) "Towards a mathematical description of superstring perturbation theory"
Past seminars
Winter term 2023/24
19.02. Sebastian Franco (New York) "2d (0,2) Gauge Theories, Toric Calabi-Yau 4-Folds and 4d Crystals"
12.02. Riccardo Argurio (Université Libre de Bruxelles) "Spontaneous non-invertible symmetry breaking"
05.02. Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu (Rutgers U.) "Cohomological Hall algebras and Yangians"
29.01. Dominic Williamson (University of Sydney) "Topological defect networks"
22.01. Wolfgang Lerche (CERN) "Gromov-Witten/Hilbert versus AdS3/CFT2 Correspondence"
15.01. Stephan Stieberger (MPI) "One-loop Double Copy Relation in String Theory"
08.01. Iñaki García Etxebarria (Durham) "Deriving SymTFTs from geometry"
18.12. Alba Grassi (CERN/ UNIGE) "On the spectral theory of Painlevé kernels"
18.12. Maximilian Schwick (GENEVA) "Resurgence and Real Topological Strings"
11.12. Martin Zika (Charles University) "Category of Quantum L-infinity Algebras"
20.11. Sibasish Banerjee (IHES) "Lagrangian A-brane counting with networks"
09.10. Alexander Hock (Oxford) "Topological Recursion, Duality and Applications
Summer term 2023
17.07. Lorenz Schlechter (Utrecht U.) "Tameness and Complexity in QFTs"
03.07. Tony Pantev (Pennsylvania U.) "Topology of wild character varieties"
03.07. Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech & IPMU, Tokyo U.) "Symmetry Resolution at High Energy"
26.06. Kai Cieliebak (Augsburg) "Algebraic structures arising in string topology and Rabinowitz Floer homology"
22.05. Kantaro Ohmori (Tokyo) "Non-supersymmetric Heterotic Branes"
15.05. Clay Cordova (Chicago U.) "Non-Invertible Chiral Symmetry"
08.05. Pyry Kuusela (JGU Mainz) "Supersymmetric Flux Vacua and Calabi-Yau Modularity"
28.04. Piotr Kucharski (Warsaw) "Knot-quiver correspondence: a modern perspective"
24.04. Ed Segal (London) "Fukaya categories at singular values of the moment map"
Winter term 2022/23
06.02. Renann Lipinski Jusinskas (Prague) "Asymmetrically twisted strings"
30.01. Konstantin Wernli (University of Southern Denmark) "On Globalization of Perturbative Partition Functions in the Batalin-vilkovisky formalism"
09.01. Nicolo Piazzalunga (Uppsala U.) "The index of M-theory"
19.12. Niccolo Cribiori & Ralph Blumenhagen (Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich) "Cobordism, K-theory and tadpoles"
12.12. Ida Zadeh (JGU Mainz) "Heterotic Strings on T3/Z2, Nikulin involutions and M-theory"
05.12. Nikita Nekrasov (Stony Brook U.) "Anyons hiding in gauge theory in two, three and four dimensions"
28.11. Enno Keßler (MPI-M Bonn) "Super stable maps"
14.11. Raghu Mahajan (Stanford U.) "ZZ instanton amplitudes in minimal string theory at one-loop order"
31.10. Lorenz Eberhardt (IAS) "Unitarity cuts of the worldsheet"
24.10. Albrecht Klemm (Bonn U.) "Feynman integrals, Calabi-Yau geometries and integrable systems"
Summer term 2022
18.07. Hossein Movasati (IMPA, Brasil) "Modular and automorphic forms and beyond"
27.06. Sara Pasquetti (U. of Milano-Bicocca) "Rethinking mirror symmetry as a local duality on fields"
20.06. Heeyeon Kim (Rutgers U.) "Path integral deviations of K-theoretic Donaldson invariants"
30.05. Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala U.) "The index of M-theory and equivariant volumes"
23.05. Leonardo Rastelli (Stony Brook U.) "On the 4D SCFTs/VOAs correspondence"
16.05. Fabian Hahner (Heidelberg U.) "Derived pure spinor superfields"
09.05. Urs Schreiber (Prague U.) "Anyonic Defect Branes and Conformal Blocks in Twisted Equivariant Differential K-Theory"
02.05. Murad Alim (Hamburg U.) "Non-perturbative quantum geometry, resurgence and BPS structures"
25.04. Minhyong Kim (U. of Warwick) "Quantum Field Theory as Mathematical Formalism: The Case of Arithmetic Geometry"
Winter term 2021/2022
07.02. Jakob Palmkvist (Orebro U.) "Nonlinear realisations of Lie superalgebras"
31.01. Tudor Dimofte (U. Davies & Edinburgh) "A QFT for non-semisimple TQFT"
24.01. Surya Raghavendran (Perimeter) "Twisted S-duality"
17.01. Daniel Roggenkamp (U. Mannheim) "Defects and affine Rozansky-Witten models"
10.01. Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech.) "An introduction to decomposition"
20.12. Yongbin Ruan (Zhejiang University) "Geometric Langlands and coadjoint orbits"
13.12. Justin Hilburn (Perimeter) "2-Categorical 3d Mirror Symmetry"
06.12. Mykola Dedushenko "Quantum algebras and SUSY interfaces"
29.11. Kevin Costello (Perimeter) "Self-dual Yang-Mills and anomaly cancellation on twistor space"
22.11. Ingmar Saberi (LMU) "Twisted eleven-dimensional supergravity and exceptional Lie algebras"
15.11. Pavel Putrov (ICTP Trieste) "Non-semisimple TQFTs and BPS q-series"
25.10. Michele Schiavina (ETH Zurich) "BV-BFV approach to General Relativity"
Summer term 2021
05.07. Jan Manschot (Dublin) "Topological correlators of N=2* Yang-Mills theory"
21.06. Johanna Knapp (Melbourne) "Genus 1 fibered Calabi-Yau 3-folds with 5-sections - A GLSM perspective"
14.06. John Huerta (University of Lisbon) "Bundle gerbes on Lie supergroups"
17.05. Cyrill Closset (Birmingham) "Rank-1 5d SCFTs: Mapping out the U-plane"
10.05. Lukas Woike (Copenhagen) "Higher structures from modular categories"
03.05. Miguel Montero (Harvard) "Cobordisms, anomalies, and the Swampland"
26.04. Mathew Bullimore(Durham U.)"Towards a Mathematical Definition of the 3d Superconformal Index"
19.04. Francesco Benini (SISSA) "Superconformal Index and Gravitational Path Integral"
12.04. Shota Komatsu (CERN) "Three tales of de Sitter"
Winter term 2020/2021
01.02. Andrea Brini "Quantum geometry and physics of Looijenga pairs"
25.01. Simeon Hellerman "The Large Quantum Number Expansion: Some Recent Developments"
11.01. Kasia Rejzner "BV-BFV formalism in perturbative AQFT"
14.12. Dmitri Bykov "Sigma models as Gross-Neveu models"
07.12. Susanne Reffert (U. Bern) "The large charge expansion"
16.11. Owen Gwilliam (U. of Massachusetts) "Centers of higher enveloping algebras and bulk-boundary systems"
09.11. Ilka Brunner (LMU) "Flow Defects and Phases of gauged linear sigma models"
02.11. Mathias Traube (MPI Munich) "Cardy Algebras, Sewing-Constraints and String-Nets"
26.10. Theo Johnson-Freyd (Perimeter) "3+1d topological orders with (only) an emergent fermion"
19.10. Chris Beem (Oxford U.) "Hall-Littlewood Chiral Rings and Derived Higgs Branches"
12.10. Ezra Getzler (Northwestern U.) "Gluing local gauge conditions in BV quantum field theory
Summer term 2020
20.07. Thorsten Schimannek (Vienna U.) "The quantum geometry of genus one fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds"
13.07. Thomas Creutzig (Alberta) "Algebraic blow-up"
29.06. Alberto Cattaneo (Zurich) "Hamilton-Jacobi and Quantum Chern-Simons on Cylinders"
22.06 Simone Noja (Como) "On Some Global and Local Problems in Supergeometry"
15.06. Tomas Prochazka (LMU) "Grassmannian VOAs"
08.06. Ingmar Saberi (Heidelberg) "Holomorphic field theories and higher symmetries"
25.05. Christoph Chiaffrino (LMU) “Planar Quantum A-Infinity Algebras”
18.05. Nils Carqueville (Vienna) “An introduction to functorial TQFT with defects”
11.05. Ivo Sachs (LMU) "From BV to string theory and back"